
Guided Shamanic Journey: Meeting Your Solar Plexus Guardian

The chakra guardian is an important ally in caring for, healing, and protecting your chakra.

In today's journey, you will meet with your guardian and begin to form a relationship with this member of your Divine Council.


Guided Shamanic Journey


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This is a follow-up journey to Exploring the Solar Plexus. If you haven't already established a Solar Plexus space in the Non-ordinary Realm, I would suggest going back and performing this journey first.

Much can be learned by the symbolism held within each scene of this journey--allow each element to reveal different truths about your solar plexus and the Guides, Power animals, Divine beings (lovingly referred to as your Divine Council) that are working on the behalf of your higher self to bring you into alignment with your purpose. Use this journey once or multiple times as a tool to dig deeper into the condition of your Solar Plexus.

As you progress through the journey here are some things to keep in mind:


Your sacred place is a space that you allow your consciousness to pass into. This is typically where traditional drum journeys begin. This “safe space” can be viewed as an entry point before going to the upper, middle, or lower worlds of the Non-Ordinary Realm. My sacred place is typically a space in nature but your sacred place will be the place that you feel most comfortable.


When you entered into your sacred space what did you see, hear, smell or sense? We all have different ways that we receive messages from Spirit. If you saw a very vivid picture of your space with vibrant colors, you probably are more clairvoyant or someone who is more visual. Other people may hear words, get a strong smell, or just simply have a knowing or "gut feeling". This information is good to know when just starting out with the art of journeying. Knowing that you are more clairaudient, or someone who hears words and phrases, you would be less disappointed if you didn't see the images described in the guided journey.


In most journeys, the visualization of a path leading into a valley, an elevator going down, walking down a ladder, etc are all ways to enter what is known as the lower world. The Lower world can be viewed as a portal to the past. In this division of the Non-Ordinary, we can access past events in our current lifeline, visit past lives, and even tap into our ancestry as it relates to our current persona. Through the lower world, we can access the beginnings of our current programming and begin to make necessary changes.

Doors, gates, holes, and more

Passing through a hole, portal, doorway, fence, etc all represent ways of passing through gateways into different parts of our consciousness. It is important to be aware of the details and the level of “security” each of your gateways has. For instance, a door that appears wide open will be easier to pass through than a door that appears locked with chains and guarded by dogs. Everything from the color of your door to the material the door is made out of has meaning in the journey.



Animals often appear in our lives to give us a message. Everything about them—their color, natural habitats, features, etc. tell a story that can bring healing and food for thought. In dreams and meditations, an animal can be a protector, a guide, and even a representation of a relationship or person. Check out a great book called, Animal Speak by Ted Andrews for more on how animals deliver integral messages from spirit.


Spirit guides can also take on more human forms. Sometimes it will be a relative or someone who just feels very familiar to you. You may find that the same character continues to present in your dreams and meditations. Take note of this and always show gratitude.


Tell me about your journey experience below.