
From Spirit to Soul: Message from Turtle

During this particular Journey, I didn't go anywhere. Instead I found myself watching me, as Turtle, move from my bedroom to my office... Turtle worked with a certain ease. She worked slowly, deliberately at a steady pace. She didn't over exert herself, nothing was forced. She simply moved with the flow staying aware of when to stop and start.


This message from Turtle spoke to me in many ways.

Mastering the Mundane

I've never been one for busy work--small repetitive tasks that take up your time when you'd rather be doing anything else. HOWEVER, instead of grudgingly getting to them when I feel like it, Turtle reminds me to be diligent in completing them so they don't eventually gather into a pile of unfinished energy--an energetic dam to new projects. She displays an ease and steadiness while doing the mundane tasks of life so that she can move on to what excites.

Balancing Act

We all know that "finding balance" is not static but rather an ongoing act of making sure nothing is getting neglected. Let's face it...I'm a mom and a business owner. I am guilty of trying to cram too many things into a given hour. But doing so always leads to high stress, crabbiness, and me cutting out an important aspect of health like sleep or exercise. Turtle teaches the art of balancing. Never forcing, always pacing which allows her to stop when she's tired and start again refreshed and at her best.

Listen and know

It is truly a gift to be able to listen to your bodies--physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. As you move between home and business, just as Turtle moved between bedroom and office, it is important to trust yourself. It can sometimes be intimidating to step into your purpose; to step into your creativity, but you must realize that you are becoming a master of self and a light to others. Move with ease in who you REALLY are.

Turtle as a spirit guide

Turtle teaches us to walk our path in peace and to stick with it using determination and serenity. While Turtle moves slow on earth, she moves fast in the water. This means that she is perfect for moving with the flow of creativity and also for handling the mundane tasks of life in this 3D world. This mastery of balancing helps those who tap into Turtle's energy, to stay grounded.


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