
Getting Energy From Food

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.”

Bashar as channeled by Darryl Anka

Let’s talk specifically about food. 

As with most people, eating is one of the most consistent things you do in your entire life. 

Unless you are a Breathatarian. But we won’t go down that rabbit hole.

Unfortunately, just because something is consistent, doesn’t mean it's healthy and in my case, my diet was consistently unhealthy. I spoke about my unhealthy love affair with “food” in this post.

Today I’m ready to make some changes to my diet to help energize and increase my overall vibration. 

Let’s keep this plain: Foods are either adding energy to your energy system or they are subtracting energy from your energy system. 

So if I want to build my energy, I would 

  1. add in more energy-building foods, and 

  2. remove the foods that are subtracting energy.

Simple math equation.

But what foods fit the equation?

I set out on my quest to find the foods that were listed as having the highest levels of energetic quality.

What I found was that the foods that were at the top of the list were also the foods that essentially had the most “light” in them.

What does this mean?

It means that all creatures require energy in some form to survive. And most of us depend on the sun’s input of energy. 

Outside of absorbing sunlight through our skin, humans have not been proven to have the capability of metabolizing sunlight and turning it into food. 

However, plants and some bacteria do this very well.

They have the ability to absorb sunlight and make their own sustenance. 

When we eat these plants, we are not only consuming the vitamins and minerals but also consuming the “light” that they have stored in their pigments. 


There are 4 major groups of plant pigments. They are:

 chlorophylls, anthocyanins, carotenoids, and betalains.

All of them are phytonutrients that have antioxidative effects which means they decrease the levels of free radicals in the system which leads to prevention and protection from cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

Not to mention that each group of pigments comes with its own special blend of benefits in the body. 

Here’s a list of the top 3 foods that contain high levels of each pigment. 


Anthocyanins are blue, red, or purple pigments found in plants, especially flowers, fruits, and tubers. 

The health benefits are antioxidative effects, antiangiogenesis, prevention of CVD, anticancer, antidiabetes, improved visual health, anti-obesity, antimicrobial, and neuroprotection.

  1. Chokeberry

  2. Elderberry

  3. Black Raspberry


These pigments replace anthocyanins to produce red and yellow pigments in food and they counter inflammation, protect the liver, and have anticancer and antioxidant activity. Studies show that pigments in betalains inhibit the growth of several different types of malignant tumors, including breast, liver, colon, and bladder cancers.

  1. Cactus pear

  2. Red purple pitaya

  3. Red beetroot


These produce the bright reds, yellow and orange colors in foods. Benefits include antioxidative effects, improved eye health, reduced risk of hypertension, protection against skin, prostate, and breast cancer, and boosting overall immunity.

  1. Avocado

  2. Cantaloupe

  3. Carrot


Chlorophyll promotes the production of red blood cells, acts as an internal deodorant and anti-inflammatory, has antioxidant qualities, and is anti-carcinogenic

  1. Kale

  2. Spinach

  3. Chlorella

So even though these pigments are still a point of further research, it only makes sense to me that if you want to revitalize yourself from your cells all the way up through your major organs, you would stock up on foods that are naturally vibrant in color and rich in health benefits.