
Don't Kill My Vibe: Raising Your Vibration

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

NIkola Tesla

How many times have you heard someone say this? 

“Raise your vibration… Vibrate higher… Increase your frequency. 

In the metaphysical world, this is the go-to mantra of many.

As I go deeper into my spiritual practice I see firsthand how what we do, say, and eat are exchanges of energy. 

It would only make sense that the “higher I vibrate”, the healthier all of my bodies will be. 

But what does this really mean?

What does this act of vibrating higher look like in my daily life?

Let’s talk about it.


We talk about “vibing” with people, places, and things all the time but what does it really mean to vibrate?

This article explains it very well. 

Simply put, a vibration is anything that moves or changes with a regular rhythm around a single point of equilibrium.

Think about a swing at a park:

When you push the swing, you are adding energy. 

The swing stores the energy from your swing by changing back and forth between different types of energy. When the swing is moving, this is kinetic energy. When it pauses at the top of the swing before changing direction, that’s potential energy. And it will continue to do this until coming to a stop. The rate at which it switches between the different types of energy is frequency. We measure this in Hertz or times per second. 

We all have a certain frequency or set of frequencies that we tend to vibrate at. This is called our natural frequency. 

When something resonates, it means that it is moving at the same frequency as the natural frequency and when added will build the amplitude of a thing before reaching capacity.

Let’s go back to the swing.

If you push the swing once, eventually it will come to a stop again. But if you continue pushing the swing at the right moment the swing goes higher and higher.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

Be the swing for a moment. 

When we add energy from sources that resonate with a certain frequency that exists within us, we build the amplitude of that certain energy.

So if we add energy from sources that have low vibration, we build up the amplitude of that low vibration. If we add energy from sources that have a high vibration, we build up the amplitude of that high vibration. 

Now, this is where things get sketchy from an evidence-based perspective.

There are many claims of essential oils, “electric” foods, crystals, reiki, sound, etc having positive effects on the multiple levels of the physical and energetic bodies.

But there are also countless articles calling these things Pseudoscience.

Understand that as much as we know, there is still A LOT that we don’t know about our energy fields and the human body in general.

So when you start talking about energy and vibration, there isn’t much out there to back up what we may “know” experientially or on a subtle energy level.

My advice? Become your own scientist.

Do your research--begin to record your own findings and how you personally feel when using these different healing tools.

Eventually, your own data will guide you in what methods work well for you and which don’t.

Also, I personally recommend not to get caught up in the fact that something is called pseudoscience.

There are things that I have used on myself and clients and had great benefit but they fell under the pseudoscience umbrella.

While some things are definitely false, some things end up as pseudo simply because the science community doesn’t understand it yet.

After all, there are many ‘laws' that were once considered pseudo by the science community. Just saying....

So at the end of the day, to “vibrate higher” we need only to add energy from sources that vibrate higher. This will (according to my oversimplified theory) build the energy of that higher vibration.

Check out my next article where I talk about how to add energy to your bodies.

Let the good vibes flow