
Sage No More

While sage is great as a medicinal plant used for smoking ceremonies and smudging, there are a plethora of herbs, woods, and resins that do the same thing--if not better!

Here are 3 herbs that are said to be excellent for clearing noxious energy and have medicinal properties:

  • Havan (Hawan) Samagri

  • Yerba Santa

  • Sweet Grass

Havan(Hawan) Samagri

Samagri is a mixture of about 36 different herbs including  Black til, Jo, 30 types of dhoop, Bhimseni kapoor, rose petals, sandalwood powder, lobaan, ghee, chandan, Nagkesar, Tagar, Agar, wala, Red Sandal powder, Nagarmotha, Lotus seeds, Jata masi, Batriso Dhoop, Kapoor Kachri, Satavari, and Tumeric.

This particular blend is popular in Vedic traditions and is said to be used during yagnas (offerings/sacrifices given to divine beings and ancestors) and homas (specificaly fire offerings). It was actually found to reduce bacteria in the air by 94% within 1 hour of burning with effects lasting up to 30 days!

Typically Samagri is burned on wood such as mango wood during very specific and detailed rituals but this can also be simply burned using a charcoal tablet in your home.

Yerba Santa

The yerba santa plant is an evergreen aromatic shrub that is indigenous to the hills and mountains of California, Oregon, and northern Mexico. 

Also known as Holy Herb, this plant is traditionally burned as a means of creating boundaries and providing protection. In other forms, it is also greatly beneficial to the lungs and is used to treat conditions such as bronchitis and other respiratory infections.

The dried leaves are usually bundled into a smudge stick and can be burned in all spaces.

Sweet Grass

This sweet smelling herb is native to North America and is also known as Manna grass.

Sweet grass is popular in 1st Nation ceremonies as well as being a traditional ingredient in treatments for cold symptoms, eye washes, venereal diseases and more. As a smudge it is used to not only keep physical bugs away but to dispel negative energy while attracting good spirits and energy.

You will typically find this in a braid made of dried leaves ready for smudging. 

What’s your favorite herb for smudging? Tell me in the comments below.