
12 Affirmations to Stop Emotional Eating

Feelings such as stress, boredom, sadness, and loneliness can often lead to emotional eating as a way of soothing or suppressing negative emotions. Affirmations have become my go-to when it comes to reprogramming your thoughts and emotional triggers.

In this article, I give 12 affirmations to help you stop emotional eating and share some of the things I’ve learned in dealing with eating my feelings and how I have begun the process of stopping.

As I took a bite, I felt the instant calm. I just wanted to feel good for a moment. But now I feel something else happening...  I feel the energy leaving my body to the point I can’t even keep my eyes open. What am I doing to myself? Something has to change.

When I stand back and evaluate the “food” that I’m eating on a regular basis, I realize I’m not eating food at all...I’m actually eating death.

This is how defines food:

“any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.”

Sustain life? Provide energy?? So if I eat something that literally zaps the energy out of me, can I still call it food? 

I can’t and that leaves me with a serious decision to make.

If mastery of Self is my goal, am I willing to give up the foods that I love to achieve it?

Here’s what I know: Becoming a master of anything requires discipline. 

Over the last few years, I’ve watched these discourses in discipline unfold in different areas of my life. 

At one point I actually called out to the heavens asking to become more disciplined because I knew that discipline really wasn’t my strength. 

And now here I am…

My Divine Agency has created the opportunity for me to discipline myself in this area and I feel like I’m looking down the barrel of a gun. (be careful what you ask for, you just may get it)

So you may be reading this saying, well what’s the problem? Just stop eating the toxic, non-food.

Well, here’s the issue. 

“Food” is not just food anymore.

“Food” has become my emotional crutch—

I use it to get through boring monotonous work…

I use it to calm me during a hectic day…

I use it to gather the tears that I don’t feel like crying…

I use it for everything except what food is meant to be used for.

I say I love the very “food” that depletes me, makes me lethargic and brings imbalance to my physical and energetic bodies.

If this sounds like an abusive relationship, it's because it is.

And I am finally over the drama of yoyo dieting, emotional eating, and being overweight

I choose me…

I choose my health…

I choose balance…

I choose mastery of this aspect of Self.

Are you with me?

If you are ready to take command of your thoughts and stop the emotional eating, Recite these 12 Powerful Affirmations with me:

I love my body.

I will nourish my body with healthy foods.

I give myself permission to feel my emotions without guilt.

I allow my emotions to process through my body.

I choose to be my best self in this moment.

Food is my tool to empower my body.

Today I will sing the praises of my body.

I choose to heal myself.

I choose to be healthy— mind, body, and spirit.

I am in full control of my impulses.

I will use my emotions to support healthy thoughts only.

I am not the victim of circumstance but the creator of the reality I want.

Creating Your Wealth Reality

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Have you ever looked around at others and see them making the money you want to be making and living the life you want to live? Wealth is defined as the abundance of material possessions and resources. As with all things, the way we think and feel about wealth and abundance can and does dictate whether we allow it to flow into our lives.

But how do we do this affectively? Keep reading.

creation, manifestation, and programs explained

In this 3D world, thought and emotion are our tools for creating.

When we align our thoughts and emotions with a certain frequency, we create a building block or “cell” of manifestation.

Herein lies the creation equation: Thoughts + Emotions = A Creation “Cell”

When you do this, over and over and OVER again, you create many “cells” ATTUNED to the same frequency. This collection of “cells” eventually manifests, or produces a product in this 3D world.

Now let’s take this a bit further.

If we repeat the same creation equation enough, our energy body REMEMBERS it. A creation equation committed to energetic memory is referred to as a Program.

Programs at work

So what’s the point? What does this have to do with manifesting wealth?

While the creation equation is quite simple, it eludes the majority of us.

We usually wander through life allowing our programs to be on autoplay without truly knowing the thoughts and emotions that are working together to create our reality.

The question is what reality is your program creating?

Let’s dive in. Here’s an easy exercise that you can do to find out more information about how you currently perceive wealth.

Repeat this phrase:  I am wealthy.

How did you react? Did you really believe it?

Or did a little creepy voice inside of you whisper, “You can’t be wealthy”.

Maybe your first thought was “You're lying”.

These inner voices and first reactions indicate the thoughts and emotions that we have about wealth. These same thoughts and emotions are the building blocks of your Wealth Reality.  If your program responded with anything other than “Yes, I am” or similar, then your program needs to be recalibrated to tune into the wealth reality that you want.

Recalibrating your program

The way to recalibrate faulty programs is to change the components of the creation equation.

I like to start with identifying the Creation Cells that are at work. Journeying, while not the only way, is my tool of choice when it comes to identifying what programs need adjusting. Here’s a guided journey designed to help you identify what blocks are standing in your way of building the Wealth Reality that you want.

insert connecting to abundance

Once becoming aware of the thoughts and emotions I would like to change, I begin using daily Mantra/Affirmations (Are these different or the same? More on this in another post).

Repeated phrases and sounds have a way of deepening your focus on a particular intention and are a very effective tool in creating new Creation Cells.  If you are new to the practice of repeated phrases and sounds to make changes energetically in your life, here’s one to get started with.

the embodiment of greatness

Is that all it takes?

I would love to tell you that becoming wealthy is as easy as tuning yourself to wealth but I would be lying to you. There are many factors that come into play but TRUST ME when I say you'll be hitting a brick wall in your wealth endeavors if your mental programs tell you you’re not worthy and/or not able to achieve wealth. You will always find a way to play out the programs that are running, even if it means sabotaging your efforts to achieve the things you say you want most. 

What’s blocking you from achieving wealth? Tell me in the comments below.