
Poop Be Gone: Flush That 2020 S#!t Goodbye!


December and January are the months when I really go into my spiritual cleansing mode.

I like to make sure the old energy from the past year is gone before welcoming in the fresh energy of the new year.

This spiritual season has been as much about mastery over my physical body as it is for the subtle body. For this reason, I am led to clear any residual stuck physical energy out of my system.

So without further ado, Let's talk about it…

... IT being the stuck energy--or rather the sh*t stuck in my bowels.


Disclaimer: I'm about to get down and dirty about my innards

If you aren't ready for that, move on to this article instead.

Constipation Confession

Alright. Let's talk

I am one of those people who have struggled with being a regular pooper for the majority of my life.

At one point. I actually only pooped once a week! (That is not healthy at all!)

All of that backed up excrement left me with terrible skin, bloating, and an overall feeling of sluggishness. 

Now, I'm nowhere near as bad as I once was.

But with 3 children, businesses, a quarantine that forces me to be a homeschool teacher, let alone the regular acts of daily living, let's just say I'm not at the peak of pooping health.

So with inspiration from my loving husband, Coach T of, and of our brick and mortar fitness gym, TruBody Wellness, for the next 5 days, I am going to rid my body of all the sh*t from 2020. Literally.

Do you want to join in on my shenanigans?

While I'm not one for new years resolutions, I'm all about using the momentum that the new year brings.

The energy of change and new beginnings are at a collective all-time high this time of year. I would be crazy not to sprinkle a little of that MOJO on my personal health and wellness goals, right?

The Challenge

Okay at this point you are probably wondering how I am going to get rid of all this pooh in 5 days—is this just another detox…

And the answer would be NO.

The beauty of this challenge is that you don’t have to take anything out of your diet, you are only adding something in…

Want to know what the secret ingredient is? Drum roll please…


Yep.. .that’s it. You can ask any colon specialist what they recommend to make sure you are pooping regularly and fiber is always at the top of the list.

Fiber can be found in all your fruit, vegetables, and legumes. So the skin, the pulp…basically the parts that make you chew or crunch.

But the one thing I've found is that to get the amount of fiber that you really need to get things moving is quite difficult using food alone. 

So my wonderful hubby came up with a killer combination of powdered greens and fiber that literally made my innards start churning within the hour. What's even better is that it’s all-natural and the dose of greenery helps to restore nutrients

Things to know before starting this challenge

  1. This is about function not taste. This is NOT the nastiest thing I've tasted. You really can't taste the fiber at all when mixed well. But I'd be lying if I said this was delicious.

    It is not.

    The green powder has an…acquired taste. You can play around with different flavors of the greens (I like the pineapple one the best), possibly mix in juice or eliminate the greens altogether. But our results came with our specific recipe so your results may be different depending on the alteration. This leads to the next thing…

  2. Results will vary. What works for me may not work exactly the same for you.

    And that's okay.

    It doesn't mean you did anything wrong. This challenge is meant to be a stress-free ritual in cleansing the physical bowels as we cleanse the spiritual muck from 2020.

WARNING: Drinking water is NOT optional. Your body requires a certain amount of water to function properly. You can read more about that here.

When you don’t have at least the minimum for your body, your body will trap the fluids within your body as a safeguard to prevent dehydration to vital organs.

This process will slow your entire digestive system down and the fiber won’t have anywhere to go. DO NOT DO THIS TO YOURSELF! I speak from experience. This can and will back you up even more.

Let the Poop-Off Challenge Begin

Guys, I’m excited.

I will be starting my 5 days today and will be updating you next week on how I felt.

Remember, you can start your 5 days whenever you are ready. Grab the supplies (You’ll get the list when you sign up for the challenge), tell a friend (or 2), and get that s#!t out of you!

Tell me all the dirty details of you poopscapades with this challenge.

Seeing this for the first time but it’s no longer the new year? This can be done at any time of the year.