
How to Increase Your Spiritual Capacity with Rituals

For many, hearing the word “ritual” may cause hesitation and fear.

But why?

Think about it--what images come to mind when you hear the word?

Do you automatically think about green witches with big black hats stirring up pots of brew?

...Or maybe you think about an ancient group of pagans sitting in the forest offering up a baby sheep in sacrifice?

I know, I know…

These are a little far-fetched, but you would be quite surprised what thoughts lie dormant in the subconscious mind causing limitations to your spiritual practice and growth.

So again I ask, what images come to mind when you hear the word Ritual?

Are the images based on what you KNOW about rituals or what you have HEARD from relatives, friends, and/or the media?

If you said the latter, I challenge you to read on and add to your knowledge about rituals and how they can actually be beneficial to your spiritual growth.

What rituals are not:

  • Rituals are not habits

  • Rituals are not a source of power

  • Rituals are not evil or satanic

Rituals vs Habits

We are creatures of habit…

We get up, brush our teeth, shower, go to work...Rinse. Repeat.

We always put our toilet paper on rolling in the same direction, we put our shoes in the same spot at the door every get the picture.

These are all habits. Actions that we take with little to no regard as to why we do them.

So what makes a ritual different than a habit?


Rituals are a series of 3D acts laced with 4D (or higher) intentions.

When you repeat a series of actions on a regular basis for the purpose of attaining something, you are performing a ritual.

And for an energy practitioner and/or one seeking spiritual enlightenment, rituals are everything…

but not for the reasons you may think…

Let me explain.

Rituals themselves hold no spiritual power.

Yep. I just said that.

In the metaphysical world, rituals are performed all the time.

There are countless blogs, YouTube vids and IG pics describing rituals for the full and new moons and acquiring money, love and beauty just to name a few.

And none of these are a source of power at all.

But if they have no power, what’s the point?

The purpose of rituals is not to grant spiritual power but to increase the CAPACITY for spiritual power and to be able to fully utilize that power in the 3D world and beyond.

Increasing your spiritual capacity

Here’s an example...

You have a 40-watt bulb and a 100-watt bulb. You take them into a dark room when they are lit.

Which one will shine brighter? Which one will allow you to see further into the room with more detail?

That’s right. The 100-watt bulb.

We are the light bulbs.

As extensions of the Creator we are remembering the light that we truly are. As healers, we shine Light on the hucha, or shadow, that causes disturbances within our energy bodies.

With each ritual carried out, we increase our capacity for energy which increases our “shine”.

We are building our ability to carry 100 watts of current vs 40 watts.

Utilizing your spiritual power

Ok, so now you know you are the light bulb…Your 3D body is a carrier of the divine light of the soul. You are that Spark that has the ability to bring light to the dark places in your life.

But what’s a light bulb without the switch that turns it on? What’s a light bulb without its power source?

Lets look at this a different way.

I can fill a room with power tools with the potential to build a table, but if I have no source of power--outlets, batteries or power generators, the tools are useless.

But when you are able to connect these tools to a power source, they are able to do incredible things. The tools now have the ability to utilize the power to create the table.

Let's take it further…

The tools are your spiritual rituals. The power sources are your “higher ups”--divine parents, spirit guides, attuned objects, etc. And the table represents the tangibles in your life. By plugging into sources of power you are able to use rituals to manifest your 3D reality.

Why are rituals viewed as evil or negative?

In and of themselves rituals are benign…But remember rituals are tools.

A knife can be used to cut food to make a delicious meal--but the same knife can be used to kill, maim and torture.

If the intention of the ritual is negative and the power source is of a lower vibration of energy, the result that’s manifested will also be negative.

Unfortunately, it is these darker practices that have created a misconception and negative thoughts towards the use of rituals.

And just a word of caution, dabbling with energy sources of lower vibrations is akin to getting a loan with 100% interest. No matter how much you gain initially, you always end up giving away your personal energy to the point of detriment.

What have we learned?

Rituals are tools fueled by intention and the power of divine energies.

When utilized as a way to connect with light, high vibrating energies, they can be quite effective in helping to manifest those things that are in line with your purpose.

What do you use your rituals for? Tell me in the comment box below.